Ideal Women Confusion: Dear Ladies

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Midnitez-REMIX's avatar
Dear female watchers,

So as I draw my pinup work I often take heat as you can expect for drawing what I draw. And often I get the comment that I am drawing an "ideal woman", but to me that is not so.

So why not discuss this and put my views out there in a bit more detail. What is my ideal woman? Even though I am bisexual, we'll focus on the ladies and body types. So all humans fit in a range of body types and here is the spectrum:

One side - Obese

Middle - Muscular

Opposite side - Anorexic

But it's not that black and white, and none of those 3 extremes interests me. I'm sorry that I can't be sexually attracted to all shapes and sizes, but my brain doesn't work that way. However I do like the variations of the grey areas:

Between Obese & Muscular - Chubby and Curvy

Between Muscular & Anorexic - Toned and Skinny

Withing chubby, curvy, toned and thin there are many variations and that's what I like. Now then there's the issue of breast size, some say bigger the better but I disagree. It's whatever fits your body type, big breasts don't looks good on little thin girls. Just like with body types, I don't like the extremes; big is fine, middle is fine, small is fine but huge or flat as a board doesn't interest me.

Now I've talked about body types but if I don't talk about personality then you'll all just think I'm some shallow guy. Personality is very important to me, the mind is a bit more complex though so I don't really have a spectrum for that. Someone who has a fair level of maturity/immaturity, flexibility, has a decent sense of humor, caring, artistic in any form, moderately independent, respectful and many other traits are good in my eyes. I may draw pinups but that doesn't mean I just want some slut who only thinks about sex every minute of the day.

So what about religion? I'm flexible when it comes to religion, I have no interest in converting to another religion (I'm agnostic) but if you have a different religion that's cool with me. I don't care if your Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist or almost any other religion; I'll still love you for who you are.

So where does this get us? I've told you my likes for body types, personality and beliefs, so what's left to explain? Well I did miss one thing, if all those are true then why do I draw what I draw? The problem is that most people confuse sexual attraction to artistic style/ability. I don't draw chubby girls often because they don't end up looking correct, just like I don't draw toned or skinny girls because they often end up looking like guys. I'd love to draw multiple body types but I'm just not skilled enough right now. The other reason I draw curvy girls a lot is because that's my style, it's what I'm good at so that's why I do it. And the sexual content, well I'm only human, no excuse for that.

That covers every inch, questions and comments are welcome and encouraged. You know I love you ladies, don't feel bad. :)


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